Yoga and Massage Classes with Your Partner

Couple’s yoga is a private class designed to lead you and your partner through a series of movements and deep breathing exercises so you can practice presence and take your connection to a higher level with your lover.

Class includes: eye gazing, touch, deep stretching, and sound bowl meditation. Each session is one hour in length.

Yoga classes are held at the yoga sanctuary in the Woolworth building in downtown Medford, Oregon.

Investment is $100 per couple.

Learn the Art of Massage to Deepen Your Relationship and Heal Your Home.

With the divorce rate remaining around 50% and now millennials having fewer relationships than our parents and grandparents it’s safe to say people have a hard time being present and relating with each other in today’s modern, stressed out, distracted world.

There are many reasons you may feel disconnected in your relationship, two major reasons are that we have a touch deprived culture in the United States and mental health issues are higher than ever for everyone. We have become severely disconnected from our bodies and our partner’s bodies.

The reality is, we have simply not been taught about the necessity of touch to the human experience. There is no time or place in our current society when we are taught the fundamentals of being in a human body, of which touch and connection are crucial aspects. People are starving for touch and many are unaware because they’ve never experienced the power of touch.

Another truth is that now in most homes, the television gets more attention than the human beings who live there. When you don’t feel connected it’s very hard to know what you need from a partner and even harder still to communicate it.

Learning the art of presence and touch with your partner and for your partner (and yourself) has the power to heal your relationship and home. Touch produces feelings of safety and security.

Touch gives us oxytocin(the bonding hormone), lowers our blood pressure, and strengthens our immune systems. Touch brings us into our parasympathetic nervous system state which is the state where our bodies can self heal.

This workshop is a 3 hour deep dive into cultivating presence with yourself and your partner

  • You will learn how to sense the energy that flows within you and between you two.

  • You will learn breathing and meditation exercises to do with each other facilitating a deeper bond and connection to stillness.

  • You will learn lots of hands on touch and massage techniques guided by a professional with over a decade of experience working hands-on with people and taking care of their bodies.

  • You will walk away with a new appreciation for the power of touch and how it can enhance your relationship and home life.


This private 3 hour workshop is available anytime during office hours to take with your partner.

The investment is $500 per couple.

It’s guaranteed to enhance your lives.

Please email for questions.