Sound And Vibration To Retune Your Energy Body

Sound bowls are dated back to about 2,400 years ago and come from the Himalayan region of India, Nepal, and Tibet. The bowls are hand hammered by three to four people who take turns hammering while chanting and praying over the bowls to infuse them with healing intentions.

Traditionally, bowls are made with a mixture of seven different metals: gold, silver, iron, mercury, tin copper and lead and are attuned to our seven chakras (energy centers). We also now have 99.99% crystal bowls in the modern world which deliver a higher tone and are also attuned to the chakras.

Our ancient spiritual seeking ancestors knew through experiential meditation that our bodies are not the dense physical matter they appear to be, but rather we are energy moving rapidly in specific vibration patterns that only appears as solid. Quantum physics has now proven this centuries later. Everything is a vibration! - a chair, a table, a coffee pot, a tree, an entire planet, sound, and the human body are all made of microscopic vibrating particles (protons, neutrons and electrons) arranged in different patterns. And in fact, most of what constitutes any atom is empty space. A great vastness of nothingness with those three particles moving faster than the human mind can really imagine- and it’s all held together by an electromagnetic field!

So it is simply true that we are energy!

This is how we are affected by the vibration of the bowls. The bowls speak to our cells and energy field directly. They take us out of our thinking mind and into our sensing/observational mind.

They are known to induce an immediate calming effect thereby reducing stress, anxiety and negative thoughts which make us physically ill when we are perpetually in that state. They are also specifically known to improve concentration, reduce blood pressure, stimulate life force energy in our body, harmonize our energy centers, heighten intuition and perception of our inner and outer worlds, synchronize our brain hemispheres, and enhance our creativity!

Sacred Temple Healing offers private sound healing meditation sessions for individuals, couples and small private groups. The bowls are also often used during the public yoga classes.

Sacred temple healing currently has a collection of: 15 sound bowls, one Tibetan bell, one tingsha, and one rainstick- with a gong on the future wishlist!